Terms and conditions agreement

V1.10 – 26/09/2023

These are the terms that govern the use and the services provided by the site Pad-craft.com. By using this site and the services it provides you agree that you have read and understood this agreement and you accept its following terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them. In case you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions of this agreement, please note that you do not have our authorisation to use this site and the services it provides.

I / Definitions

” Pad-craft.com ” is referred hereinafter to as ” we “, ” us “, ” our ” or ” Pad-craft.com ” and include pad-craft.com affiliates, partners and all pad-craft.com entities.
The user of this site is referred to as ” you “, ” yours “, ” users “, ” subscriber “,
” Product ” or ” Products ” are referred to the sound banks (MPC Expansions, Drum kits, sound programs, samples and any audio content, MIDI patterns, MIDI progressions, MIDI or audio loops),
” Catalogue ” is referred as the collection of all the sound banks and audio content proposed on the site Pad-craft.com,

II/ License agreement

When you download a product of our Catalogue, the Product is not sold to you, instead you are granted a license to use the Product. The terms and conditions for using the Products of our Catalogue are specified in our License agreement hereinafter. Accessing, using our web site and subscribing to Pad-craft.com services implies that your are fully in agreement with the terms of our License Agreement. If you do not agree to our License Agreement, note that you do not have our permission to use this web site, Pad-craft.com services and our Catalogue Products.

III/ Use of this Site

This web site is supplied to you on an ” as is ” and on an ” as available ” basis. Pad-craft.com disclaims any warranties of any kind, wether express or implied, including without limitation any warranty of satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose. Pad-craft.com does not warrant that the use of the the services of this site will produce reliable, suitable, accurate and complete results. Pad-craft.com does not warrant that the services supplied by this site will be timeless, secure, uninterrupted or free of errors, viruses or any harmful components. Pad-craft.com does not warrant that any issues that could be generated by the use of this site will be corrected or resolved.
Any content downloaded from or otherwise accessed through the service is accessed at your own risk. Pad-craft.com, its affiliates, partners and entities will not be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental damage or loss to your property or assets as for any loss of profits, goodwill, or any other tangible or intangible loss, damage to your computer system or any device that may result from accessing this site content. You are responsible for your use or your inability of use of this web site and the services it provides and you will hold harmless Pad-craft.com and its affiliates against every claim brought by a third party as any reliability, damage, loss, expense or cost related.
You agree to use this site in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
All information, data, texts, music, audio demos, sounds, samples, photographs, graphics,video, messages, tags and any other content of this site is subject to copyright. Any reproduction or redistribution in any form of this site content is prohibited.

IV/ Services

4.1 Services provided

Pad-craft.com provides you with sound banks and sound resources dedicated to AKAI MPC and AKAI FORCE(1) and any other compatible musical hardware or software devices in order to enhance your musical creation.
Pad-craft.com offers a digital service only accessible by using this site. In order to benefit the services you must provide all hardware, software and connections to access the services.
(1) AKAI MPC and AKAI FORCE are brands owned by inMusic Brands inc

4.2 Service acces after subscription

You access to the resources provided by Pad-craft.com by completing a subscription to the service.
All sound resources made available to your usage are subject to our licence agreement.
All content, sound files, Product demos, information, data, description, user manuals, graphics, images, photographs and any other material made available to you in the use of the service is the property of Pad-craft and its contributors and affiliates and subject to copyright. Pad-craft reserves all rights not granted expressly in this agreement.

V/ Products

Products are defined as sound files, sound banks, MPC expansions, Drum kits, MIDI files, Patterns, Music loops, Chord progressions, sound and musical samples and are part of our Catalogue.

5.1 Product delivery

Subscribing to Pad-craft.com services, you agree that the Products of this site will be exclusively delivered to you digitally. At any time of the subscription period, you will get your Products by using the download links provided by this site.
While in the subscription period, Pad-craft.com provides you a full access to the Catalogue resources and you may re-download the Products. However, Pad-craft.com reserves the right to suspend your access in case of excessive or abused usage of the site dowload links.
Cancellation or termination of this agreement will close your right to obtain directly from the site or indirectly any Product delivery after the cancellation or Termination period. After cancellation or termination of your subcription Pad-craft.com will not replace any Catalog product downloaded during your subcription period in case of loss of the product due to your computer system failure or backup device crash or for any other reason.
It is your responsibility to backup on your computer system or any personal backup device you may use the Products you have donwloaded from this site.

5.2 Catalogue Products and updates

Pad-craft.com Catalogue is an ever expanding sound bank resource providing new sound addons and packages as updated versions of previous sound banks and MPC Expansions. We strongly recommend that you check the version of the Catalogue Products to ensure that you have donwloaded the latest releases.
Pad-craft.com is engaged in producing sound banks with original sounds. In case we have any reason to believe that a provided sound of our Catalogue is not original, we reserve the right to remove without prior notice this sound from our Catalogue. In that case all our subscribers will be informed of this update and will be advised on any suitable action to take.
Pad-craft.com reserves the right to remove any Product from our Catalogue, at any time and at our sole discretion without any prior notice to you.
As a matter of consequence of cancellation or termination of your subscription, you will not be able to access to updated versions of Products you have donwloaded during your subscription period. You agree that Pad-craft.com will not deliver after your subscription cancellation or termination any updated version of Products you have donwloaded during your subcription period.

5.3 Product Compatibility

Each of our Catalogue Products compatibility with your MPC hardware or Software is documented on this site. Please refer to the sound bank description before dowloading the Product. Pad-craft.com does not garanty compatibility of the Catalogue products with devices not expressly mentionned in the sound bank or kit description.

5.4 Returns

Pad-craft.com does not accept returns.

5.5 License agreement

This License agreement will apply to all the audio resources of the Catalogue (Expansions, Drum kits, samples, any audio files and programs). This license also covers all images, drawings, illustrations, logos, programs, texts and descriptions, user guides and notes that may come with the Product.
By subscriving to Pad-craft.com, you have purchased a License to use the audio content of the Products of the Catalogue. This License does not confer to the user any ownership of the Products but grant the user a right to use the Products for the sole and exclusive purpose of musical composition or arrangement creation.
A musical composition or musical arrangement is defined as a musical production where the Products of the Catalogue are combined with any other instrumentation or audio content and therefore not played in isolation.
Pad-craft.com grants you a royalty free Licence to use all the Products of the Catalogue for the purpose of creating musical compositions for you or any third parties. You are entitled to use the Products of the Catalogue for your private convenience or for use in public performances.
All other rights in and to the Products including without limitation all copyright and intellectual property rights relating to the Products (including modified versions of the Products, expansions, drum kits, audio samples, programs) are fully retained by Pad-craft.com
You are not allowed under this License agreement to propose, re-distribute, re-sell, share in anyway including by computer networks, websites or any file hosting service, rent, broadcast, wether commercialy or for free the Products of the Catalogue. You are not allowed under this License agreement to use the samples of the Products as a source material for any other sample library.
These limitations applies even if the Products have been modified by any audio process or resampling treatment.
This License grants you a perpetual right to use the Products of the Catalogue you have downloaded during your subscription period as far as the use remains in compliance with the terms of this License agreement.
This License grants the user with a non-exclusive right to use the Products of the Catalogue.
Selling or sub-licensing as any transfer of this License commercially or for free is prohibited.
This License agreement, the copyright, intellectual rights as well as the other owner’s rights will continue to apply in full force after the end of the user subscription period and without any limit of time as long as the user will use the Products.
At the end of any subscription period, the user is entitled to use the Products of the Catalogue downloaded during his subscription period as far as he complies entirely with this License agreement.
We reserve the right to modify and bring any update to this License agreement at any time and without any prior notice or authorisation.
Any new revision of this License agreement will be issued on Pad-craft.com and will be sent with the download of the Catalog products.
Changes in the License agreement will apply immediately for all users of the Catalogue Products.
This License agreement may be terminanted without notice by Pad-craft.com in case of any failure to comply with any of its terms and conditions. Upon termination, you must cease to use the Products and delete any copies of the Products you could have made.
In case you have any doubt this License agreement covers your Products use or in case you need to extend the limitations of use of this License agreement, please contact us at support@pad-craft.com

VI/ Subscription

6.1 Subscription period

Your subscription is valid for one year (365 days) starting the day of the validation of the payment of the Membership fees.
Your subscription provides you full access to all the Catalogue resources at any time of the subscription period.

6.2 Fees

To subscribe to the service, you should succesfully achieve the fees payment process.
Fees should be payed only by a valid credit or debit bank card. Our site accepts payments with cards issued by Visa and Mastercard as others cards proposed in the checkout process. When providing Padcraft.com with your credit or debit card numbers account you agree to authorise Padcraft.com to charge your account with the entire subscription fees without the need of any further notice or consent.
Subscription fees does not include any sales tax that you may be charge due to your country or local regulations. You agree to make all payments of Pad-craft subscription fees free and clear and without any reduction for any withholding tax that may arise in relation of your country or local regulations.
Any financial interest, currency change fees, charge, commission, expense charge to your account in the process of paying your subscription by your bank or any financial intermediary institution will remain at your sole cost and are not included in our subscription fees.

6.3 Automatic renewal of the subscription

Your subscription will be automatically renewed when the period subcription has ended. One month before the end date of your subscription period, you will be asked to about your agreement to renew your subscription by email. In case you decide not to renew your subscription the automatic renewal process will not apply and access to the resources of the Catalogue will cease after the last day of your current subscription.

6.4 Right to refuse your subscription.

Pad-craft.com reserves the right to refuse your subscription in case you have already been banned or removed from our services.

6.5 Account and personal information

Subscriving to Pad-craft.com services requires you to create an account by providing a valid email address and creating a personal username and password. You will also be asked to provide additional information in the process of registering to our services. We reserve the right to reject any username in case we consider it as unappropriate. You should not use as username, names or brands that are subject to intellectual property or identity protection rights.
When registering to Pad-craft.com you agree that the information you provide is accurate and true.
Pad-craft.com reserves the right to suspend your account if we consider that your username is inappropriatte or your information is not accurate or true.
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your log-in informations and for all actions that could occur throught the use of your log in information. In case you have good reasons to believe that the confidentiality of your information is compromised you must inform us without any delay at support@pad-craft.com. You will take similar action in case you suspect any unauthorised use of your account. Pad-craft will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from unauthorised use of your registration and log-in information. You engage yourself in monitoring your account in such a way to prevent any unauthorised use by third parties.

6.6 Cancellation of your subscription

You may cancel your subscription at any time during the subscription period by sending an email to support@pad-craft.com. Cancellation will take place with our aknowledgement of your email decision. Once your subscription is cancelled, you will not have access to the Pad-craft.com service and you will not be able to download any resources of our Catalogue. As a matter of consequence of your cancellation, and because Pad-craft.com engages in not keeping any user information out of an effective subscription period, we will erase your account, delete your password and all related information of your profile.
After cancellation of the service, you may keep all Catalogue resources previously dowloaded and use them as far as you keep in compliance with the Terms of our License agreement. Our License agreement, all ownership provisions of this agreement, warranty disclaimers and limitation of liability will survice to the termination of your subscription.

6.7 Refunds

Subscription fees are not refundable either in full or partially. This applies in case of cancellation or termination of your subcription.
As regards to digital products, subscriving to the service you explicitly agree that the execution of this agreement is started before the end of the cancellation period and you are aware that your right of cancellation ends with the beginning of the execution. You agree to waive your cancellation rights and you will not be able to receive either a full or partial refund of your subscription fees.

VII/ Modification of this agreement

We reserve the right to modify the terms and conditions of this agreement at any time and without any prior notice or information. Any changes on the terms and conditions of this agreement shall enter into application immediately for all the users of the site and its services. This agreement shows at the first page its date and version so you would be able to know if the agreement has been updated in any way.

VIII/ Termination of this agreement

This agreement is effective the day you accept this agreement.
In case you violate any provision of this agreement, Pad-craft.com may at its sole discretion terminate this agreement or suspend your access to the service.
Our License agreement, all ownership provisions of this agreement, warranty disclaimers and limitation of liability will survice to the termination of your subscription.

IX / Legal

Pad-craft.com is an independant company that produces sound banks. Pad-craft.com is not affiliated with nor endorsed by InMusic Brands Inc in any way. All the Products of our Catalogue are produced by Pad-craft.com and its affiliates and contributors. We do not propose on this site and in our Catalogue any products manufactured by inMusic Brands inc or being part of the commercial offer of inMusic Brands inc.
AKAI MPC, AKAI software, AKAI Force, MPC Live I and II, AKAI MPC X and MPC XSE, AKAI MPC KEYS, AKAI MPC One, AKAI MPC Studio, AKAI MPC Beats are brands and products owned by inMusic Brands inc and are mentionned on this site for the sole purpose to inform about the compatibility of our sound banks with AKAI music production devices and software. The mention of these brands in this site does not indicate that our sound banks and Products are endorsed in any way by inMusic Brands inc

X/ Governing law

This agreement and any action related thereto will be governed and interpreted by and under the laws of the state of France.